Goal pursuit: The consistent implementation

The difference between success and failure usually lies in the consistency of implementation. The knowledge is available, but then there are deviations and delays and finally downward adjustments of goals. Everything gets watered down. Make sure that agreements are kept. Don’t wait until the designated implementation period has passed, but continuously check whether “everything is on the right track”.

Ask for reasons for deviations from agreed goals. There may be plausible reasons. In such cases, the goal can be adjusted as an exception.

Introduce that someone who exceptionally and justifiably cannot keep an agreement, gives early notice in order to make a new agreement. If an agreement cannot be kept, seek a confrontation. Create concern. If you do not see any concern, you will not be happy with this employee.

Demand this commitment from your manager as well. You will see: Commitment and reliability promote the performance climate and the working atmosphere. What’s more, commitment and reliability are necessary because there are interdependencies along the process chain.

Use objective criticism discussions with employees who do not comply with agreements.


What are your challenges?

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