Value analysis as a creativity technique

If we are dealing with complex problems, then the method of value analysis is also recommended. This method, which has been developing since 1947 and is reflected in the DIN standards 1325 and 12973 as well as in the VDI standards 2800-280615, promotes thinking in terms of effects and functions. It encourages thinking about the effects of a product to be developed or a process to be introduced, whether all effects are desired or necessary, whether the desired effects can be realized more easily or better by alternative solutions, or what price customers would pay for the effect. Value analysis includes four system elements, namely (i) the methods and tools, (ii) the human behaviours, (iii) the management style, and (iv) the relevant environmental factors, as well as their interactions and interdependencies. Thus, the value analysis method is holistic in nature. By applying the value analysis method, significant cost savings and performance improvements can be demonstrably achieved by eliminating functions for which customers do not show sufficient willingness to pay and by implementing the essential functions more effectively and efficiently through creative solutions.


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