Liquidity status and liquidity balance

If liquidity is threatening to become tight, it is advisable to prepare a liquidity status and, if necessary, a liquidity balance sheet.




Here you will find deformed templates for your liquidity status and liquidity statement.


Advantages of our liquidity status and liquidity balance applications

  • If you are currently struggling with tight liquidity, this deformed Excel template can help you create a liquidity status or liquidity balance sheet.
  • You can create the formal documents without in-depth knowledge of financial management.


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Please note that this template, to which you purchase access, is for your personal use only. It is forbidden to resell the slides in any form and in any digital or physical way, or to publish them in any physical or online publication without my permission. I am the sole copyright holder of this file.

Link to download: MS Excel document


What is liquidity status?

When liquidity becomes tight in a company, management is forced to prepare a liquidity status. The liquidity status is a snapshot of the company’s liquidity.

How do you calculate the liquidity status?

The liquidity status must demonstrate that the company can now cover at least 90% of the liabilities that are due.

When is a liquidity balance necessary?

If the coverage level is below 90 %, the management must prepare a liquidity balance showing whether the company will be able to cover at least 90 % of the liabilities again within three weeks. This can be done with a liquidity balance sheet.

How do you draw up a liquidity balance?

In addition to the liabilities currently due and the current financial resources, the liquidity balance sheet also includes the liabilities that will fall due within the next three weeks and the financial resources that will flow into the company within three weeks. However, no receivables older than two months may be included.

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