
Automation in Production and in Logistics

In production and logistics, some operations can not only be relieved of repetitive tasks by automation, but even improved. Work results can be documented and evaluated. Both the performance and the reliability of systems can be trained and improved in dialog with qualified employees. PSI Technics shows how this can be done in its expertise

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OEE calculator for measuring the overall equipment effectiveness in production

New for you at consultingcheck: An OEE calculator that allows you to easily measure and monitor your overall equipment effectiveness. Try out this indispensable and useful tool in production!

consultingcheck now also available in Spanish language

After the German and the English version, consultingcheck is now also available in the Spanish version. Asun has done a great job translating all previous content into Spanish. The Spanish language allows professionals and managers not only from the Iberian Peninsula, but also from Central and South America to access consultingcheck’s services. With this step,


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