
Upheaval in the German industry

The German economy is no longer growing. Our medium-sized industry is falling victim to the globalization that we ourselves drove decades ago. Other sectors will inevitably follow as soon as industrial value creation declines. Is it to be feared that other developed economic areas will follow suit? The prosperity we have achieved with comparatively high

Simplified access to relevant business tools

We have simplified access to relevant business tools for you. If you are interested in a specific topic, consultingcheck will directly recommend relevant tools that will make your work easier. These can be pragmatic checklists, pre-formatted calculation applications, simulation applications or format templates. The tools are now displayed to the right of the text you

How do we deal successfully with the polycrisis?

Problem definition: In recent years since 2020, the resilience of companies has been put to the test by various challenges, some of which have even overlapped in terms of timing and causality: Corona-related production stops and lock-downs, global supply chain bottlenecks, associated price and inflation jumps, geopolitically induced energy supply problems, interest rate hikes, followed

How will the economic basic conditions develop in 2024?

At the start of the new year, we are all looking ahead to the challenges that lie ahead. In order to develop suitable business models and strategies, it is important to realistically assess the economic conditions. It appears that the global economy is growing at a stable rate of 2.5% overall, although the regions are

consultingcheck at the DDIM Congress 2023

The DDIM Congress is the central industry event for the interim management scene in German-speaking countries. The DDIM is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. This year’s DDIM Congress, which took place in Düsseldorf on November 17-18, 2023, was a great success for everyone involved. 700 participants were able to listen to exciting keynotes, attend

Good development of user numbers at consultingcheck

consultingcheck has been on the market since the end of 2021. The stable functionality of our application is a basic requirement that we meet. consultingcheck is now even available in three languages and thus reaches a significant part of this world. We have been actively working on market development since spring 2022. After one and

Digital technologies for industrial environments

In many industrial companies, the potential for increasing yields within production itself has largely been tapped. Worthwhile starting points sometimes become apparent at the interfaces between production and other operational functions. Further, often underestimated potential can be realized through the targeted use of available process data. The yield levers that result from this are presented

Sustainability is no option. It is a Must.

Sustainable management is no longer an option, but a must. Global challenges, legal requirements and competitive factors are forcing companies to operate sustainably. In this article, you will find out exactly what is involved and what options you have to tread the path to sustainable business. With the exploitation of our earth’s primary raw materials

Yield potential in production, logistics and quality assurance

There are some question marks over the economic development. This makes it all the more important to keep costs under control. In many manufacturing companies, considerable earnings potential is slumbering in production, logistics and quality assurance. And because potentials are so interesting precisely because they can still be realized, consultingcheck has taken an in-depth look

consultingcheck now also available in Spanish language

After the German and the English version, consultingcheck is now also available in the Spanish version. Asun has done a great job translating all previous content into Spanish. The Spanish language allows professionals and managers not only from the Iberian Peninsula, but also from Central and South America to access consultingcheck’s services. With this step,


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