Benefit of consultingcheck for interim managers

On October 28/29, 2022, interim managers organized in DDIM had the opportunity to get to know consultingcheck.
As part of the DDIM annual congress at the Von der Valk Airport Hotel, consultingcheck was represented with a presentation and an information stand to introduce the benefits of consultingcheck to the nearly 400 interim managers attending the congress.

Dr. Werner Boysen explaines the advantages of consultingcheck to interim managers

Interim managers can not only use consultingcheck to get ideas on how to overcome the challenges they face in their mandates, but will also find proven calculation applications and format templates to save them time, as well as useful checklists, briefings, whitepapers and literature recommendations to guide them further.
And each interim manager will also have developed their own proven working tools that can complement consultingcheck’s offering well. They can make these working tools available to others via consultingcheck for a fee – always keeping in mind consultingcheck’s principle of creating value for the many, not enrichment for the few.
In addition, interim managers can draw attention to their expertise by creating their digital business card contextually on suitable topics, for which users can then find them.
In the future, proven experts can also occupy industry domains or functional domains at consultingcheck. This is a win-win situation: The experts can profile themselves here with relevant target groups that are advertised by consultingcheck, and consultingcheck becomes even more attractive due to the specific know-how of the experts.


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